Turn idea into action with the only resource available that gives your government and community a comprehensive set of tools, resources, skills, and knowledge founded upon hand-on work in the happiness movement bringing happiness home.
A revolution without losers - John F. Helliwell
A book you can use to bring happiness to your nation, region, city, community.
Available from
New Society Publishers
Available from
New Society Publishers
The Happiness Policy Handbook is the first and only book providing policy makers, community organizers, and future generations step-by-step action plans for integrating happiness and well-being into governmental processes and institutions. Over 270 years ago, Thomas Jefferson said “the purpose of government is to enable the people of a nation to live in safety and happiness,” but only recently are policy makers seriously considering happiness as a goal of government. Many important documents have been published about happiness policy and data, such as the World Happiness Reports, the Global Happiness Policy Report, the Stiglitz Report, and Well-being for Public Policy. But to date, there is not a comprehensive document that gives policy makers the information and resources they need for putting processes and institutional changes in place so that happiness can be the natural purpose of government. An action oriented guide is needed so that the vital concepts in these and other documents can be fully appreciated and implemented.
The Happiness Policy Handbook includes Policy Perspectives - one page of in depth knowledge - from the world's experts in the Happiness Movement:
Ali al-Azzawi, City Experience Advisor responsible for the Happiness Agenda at Smart Dubai Office
Mark Anielski, author of The Economics of Happiness: Building Genuine Wealth and An Economy of Well-being
Ed Diener, (1946-2021) Professor of Psychology at the University of Illinois and Senior Scientist for the Gallup Organization.
Martine Durand, Former OECD Chief Statistician, Director of the Statistics and Data Directorate
Sarah Flèche, Research Associate at Centre for Economic Performance and Assistant Professor in Economics at the Aix-Marseille School of Economics.
Carol Graham, Leo Pasvolsky Senior Fellow at the Brookings Institution, and Senior Scientist at Gallup
Jon Hall, Policy Specialist for the United Nations Development Program and contributor to the World Happiness Reports
John C. Havens. Executive Director of The IEEE Global Initiative and The Council on Extended Intelligence and author of Hacking Happiness and Heartificial Intelligence
John F. Helliwell co-editor and founder of the World Happiness Reports and Global Happiness Policy Reports, an Arthur J.E. Child Foundation Fellow of the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research and Professor Emeritus of Economics at the University of British Columbia, a member of the National Statistics Council Canada
Dennis L. Meadows, Emeritus Professor of Systems Management and co-author of The Limits to Growth
Michael Moser, Research Coordinator University of Vermont Center for Rural Studies and GNHUSA
Kinga Tshering, former Member of Parliament in the National Assembly and founder of Bhutan's Institute for Happiness
Karma Ura, President Centre for Bhutan Studies and GNH Research
John F. Helliwell is a long-time happiness researcher whose current publications include the World Happiness Reports and Global Happiness Policy Reports. He is a Distinguished Fellow of the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research (CIFAR), and was a founding Board Member of the International Positive Psychology Association. He is based in the Vancouver School of Economics at the University of British Columbia.
Rhonda Phillips is the Dean of Purdue Honors College. Rhonda is a three-time Fulbright recipient, and is the past president of the International Society of Quality of Life Studies. She is the co-founder and co-editor of the International Journal of Community Well-Being. Rhonda serves on the Board of Directors of Happiness Alliance and is co-author of the Happiness Policy Handbook.
Jean Crowder served as a Member of Parliament for the Canadian Government House of Commons of Canada between 2004 -2015, having been elected as the New Democratic Party (NDP) Member of Parliament for Nanaimo—Cowichan, British Columbia. Jean serves on the Board of Directors of Happiness Alliance and is co-author of the Happiness Policy Handbook.
Michael Moser is a Researcher Specialist and Coordinator of the Vermont State Data Center at the University of Vermont’s Center for Rural Studies and on the Board of Directors of GNHUSA.org. In 2013 and 2017 he lead the implementation of the Happiness Alliance’s Happiness Index in Vermont- building a longitudinal wellbeing data set representative to the population of the state.
Lester Kurtz is Professor of Sociology at George Mason University Korea. He is a prolific writer. His books including the Encyclopedia of Violence, Peace and Conflict, The Warrior and the Pacifist, and Nonviolent Social Movements. He also lectures worldwide and served as chair of the Peace Studies Association and the Peace, War, and Social Conflict Section of the American Sociological Association, which awarded him its Robin Williams Distinguished Career Award.
Stefano Bartolini is Professor of Economics at the University of Siena and is the author of the books the Manifesto for Happiness and Policies for Happiness. Stefano began research in the happiness movement in early years of this century as a natural growth from a focus on ecological externalities of the current economic models and the links to interpersonal relationships and happiness.
Happiness Policy Handbook Authors
Laura Musikanski is the executive director of the Happiness Alliance, the first nonprofit to provide a happiness measurement tool online that has been used by local and national governments worldwide. She has worked with community organizers, policy makers, educators, and students to raise awareness about the happiness movement, measure happiness, and use happiness data to enhance individual and community happiness. She is the author of two books on sustainability Sustainability Decoded and How to Account for Sustainability (which was one of their more popular books) published by DōShorts, but now owned by Routledge. She has authored numerous popular and peer-reviewed articles some of which have been downloaded over 2000 times. She has taught at the professional and university level and given numerous talks to audiences around the world. Laura is a recognized member of the happiness movement, an invited participant at the 2012 United Nations’ High-Level Meeting Well-being and Happiness: Defining a New Economic Paradigm, the 2017 and 2018 Global Dialogue for Happiness held in Dubai, and the 5th and 6th OECD World Forums Statistics, Knowledge and Policy. Laura is a lawyer with an M.B.A.
Rhonda Phillips is a scholar of community well-being and quality of life, with numerous publications (24 academic books) and deep experience working with practice and scholarship of community and economic development at the local and regional levels. She is a professor and dean at Purdue University, and has served on the faculty of Arizona State University as Director and Professor, School of Community Resources and Development, Senior Sustainability Scientist with the Julie Wrigley Global Institute of Sustainability, and affiliate faculty with the Schools of Public Affairs and Geographical Sciences and Urban Planning. A three-time Fulbright recipient and advisor to universities throughout the globe, she has served governments and nonprofit organizations in Europe, Canada, Central America, and Asia and is the past president of the International Society of Quality of Life Society (ISQOLS. She was inducted into the College of Fellows, American Institute of Certified Planners (FAICP), her doctorate is from the Georgia Institute of Technology. She is the founding co-editor of the new journal, The International Journal of Community Well-Being, published by Springer.
Jean Crowder served as a Member of Parliament for the Canadian Government House of Commons of Canada between 2004 -2015, having been elected as the New Democratic Party (NDP) Member of Parliament for Nanaimo-Cowichan, British Columbia. She has also served as a Councilor in local government with the District Municipality of North Cowichan. She worked for Human Resources Development Canada, and the British Columbia Ministry of Skills Training & Labour. Prior to public service, Jean was a human resource consultant and a manager at Malaspina University College. Jean is a board director of the Happiness Alliance.
Rhonda Phillips is a scholar of community well-being and quality of life, with numerous publications (24 academic books) and deep experience working with practice and scholarship of community and economic development at the local and regional levels. She is a professor and dean at Purdue University, and has served on the faculty of Arizona State University as Director and Professor, School of Community Resources and Development, Senior Sustainability Scientist with the Julie Wrigley Global Institute of Sustainability, and affiliate faculty with the Schools of Public Affairs and Geographical Sciences and Urban Planning. A three-time Fulbright recipient and advisor to universities throughout the globe, she has served governments and nonprofit organizations in Europe, Canada, Central America, and Asia and is the past president of the International Society of Quality of Life Society (ISQOLS. She was inducted into the College of Fellows, American Institute of Certified Planners (FAICP), her doctorate is from the Georgia Institute of Technology. She is the founding co-editor of the new journal, The International Journal of Community Well-Being, published by Springer.
Jean Crowder served as a Member of Parliament for the Canadian Government House of Commons of Canada between 2004 -2015, having been elected as the New Democratic Party (NDP) Member of Parliament for Nanaimo-Cowichan, British Columbia. She has also served as a Councilor in local government with the District Municipality of North Cowichan. She worked for Human Resources Development Canada, and the British Columbia Ministry of Skills Training & Labour. Prior to public service, Jean was a human resource consultant and a manager at Malaspina University College. Jean is a board director of the Happiness Alliance.